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Crofton Kiwanis Club

A Service Club in Crofton, Maryland

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The Kiwanis Club and Foundation of Crofton, Maryland serves the Greater Crofton area, focusing on the needs of children and families, community involvement and enrichment, and service to the citizens.


Examples of our activities include the Annual Crofton Halloween Parade, the Annual 10K and 5K races, Flags for Heroes displays, Salvation Army bell ringing, Sarah's House meals, and Bingo games at the Autumn Lake convalescent center.

Our charitable activities include regular contributions to Sarah's House, the Crofton Christian Caring Council, Happy Helpers for the Homeless, the Parents Club of Crofton School Backpacks program, and other charitable causes on an ad hoc basis.  

Contact Membership Chair Joyce Maloney at (410) 721-1189 or to find out more about Kiwanis or to inquire about joining.



Do you enjoy the American and Maryland flags that are on display around Crofton Parkway?


This program is coordinated by the Crofton Kiwanis Club, and has relied on the generosity of the people of Crofton over the years.


The flags have been hung on the parkway since 1990. They were the idea of Ed Dosek, the newly elected President of the Crofton Civic Association (CCA) at that time. He was looking for a patriotic way to celebrate Crofton.

There are 76 BGE light poles along the Crofton Parkway.  Each has two American flags, except for the 8 street entrances into Crofton where there is a Maryland flag along with the American flag.

The flags are hung in May before the Armed Services parade and removed after Veterans Day in November. The CCA managed the program initially until it was turned over to the Crofton Kiwanis Club.

TLC, a local business in Crofton, puts the flags up and takes them down and also stores them at their facility. Also during the year TLC will replace any flag causalities that might occur.

This year we replaced 35 flags and poles that were worn out. With those replacements the flag fund has gone into the red. 

If you would like to help with this project and donate you may send a check made out to the Crofton Kiwanis Foundation and mail to: 

The Crofton Kiwanis Foundation

c/o The Crofton Kiwanis Club

Box 3101

Crofton, MD 21114

Thanks for your support!


Upcoming Events

Wednesday, March 12th - Regular Monthly Club Meeting, Steve Migdal speaking on AARP Cybersecurity and Scam Identification, AVFD Training Center, 7 PM

Wednesday, April 9th - Regular Monthly Club Meeting, Maryland Therapeutic Riding speaker, AVFD Training Center, 7 PM

Wednesday, April 23rd - Club Fundraiser and Gift Baskets drawing at Capriotti's Sandwich Shop, 888 MD Route 3, 6:30 PM
Wednesday, May 7th - Board Meeting, AVFD Training Center, 7 PM

Friday, May 9th - Annual Charter Night Dinner, Ashlings Restaurant, 6 PM

Wednesday, May 14th - Crofton Kiwanis Annual Meeting, Officers & Board Election, and Key Club Scholarship Presentations, AVFD Training Center, 7 PM

Wednesday, June 11th - Chesapeake Baysox Game, 6:35 PM

Saturday, June 14th - Crofton Kiwanis 10K Challenge and 5K Race, Crofton Country Club, 8 AM

Wednesday, July 9th - Regular Monthly Club Meeting, CPR Seminar, AVFD Training Center, 7 PM

September - Installation Dinner, location and time TBD


What We Do

Our Regular Activities and Events

Monthly Club Meetings

We hold a regular club meeting on the 2nd Wednesday each month at 7 PM. Starting in September 2024 these will be held at the "white building", which is the Arundel Volunteer Fire Department's Training Building on Davidsonville Road just below Staples Corner.

In addition to discussing upcoming events we have invited guest speakers.

Visitors are always welcome to attend.

We have a Board of Directors meeting on the first Wednesday each month and a Social Dinner at Ledo Pizza in Crofton on the fourth Wednesday.

Shown in the picture above is a presentation by the Kiwanis Foundation to the Crofton Christian Caring Council at one of our regular club meetings.

10K Challenge and 5K Run


Since 1989 the Kiwanis Club and Foundation of Crofton, Maryland has sponsored the 10K Challenge race that covers the beautiful tree-lined residential streets of Crofton. This is the Foundation's biggest fundraiser. Our race is always held on the second Saturday in June. 


The 10K course includes some light hills but is mostly a flat course. Medals are given for the top 3 runners overall and first place male and female finishers in 19 age/gender categories. Short sleeve technical shirts are given to the first 250 entrants. Food, drink and other giveaways from our sponsors are available at the finish line. Electronic timing is used and results are posted within 8 hours. The 5K Race was added to the 10K in 2018. Both races in this family friendly community event offer something from the beginning runner to those preparing to train for a fall marathon. 

2022 10K and 5K Results

2021 Results

10K and 5K Overall

10K and 5K Age Groups

2020 Results (Virtual Runs Only)

10K and 5K

2019 Results

10K Overall 10K Age Groups

5K Overall 5K Age Groups


2018 Results

5K and 10K Overall Results

5K Age Group Results

10K Age Group Results


2017 Results

Halloween Parade


The Kiwanis Club holds its annual Halloween Parade the last Saturday of October, and we invite all Crofton residents and community organizations to participate.


The parade starts at the Crofton Country Club and ends at the Town Hall, where the prizes for best costume are handed out. The kids meet at the Prince of Peace Church parking lot at 10 AM to register their costumes and be judged and then join the Parade staging area next door at the Country Club, where the parade starts at 11 AM. 

If it rains, the parade is cancelled, but a virtual costume contest is held with live judging. 


If your organization would like be one of the participants in the Parade, please contact Nickie Zancan (

Service Leadership Programs


The Crofton Kiwanis Club is actively involved in mentoring young adults at school meetings and during their service projects. We sponsor 10 high school Key Clubs at county schools. We provide up to five college scholarships each year. Our club helps defray the costs to attend the district convention and also makes an annual contribution for a high school sophomore to attend the Hugh O'Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Conference.

(Pictured above is Past President/Service Leadership Chairman Bill Hand (left) with members of the newly chartered Indian Creek School Key Club)


Officers and Board Members (Oct. 1, 2024-Sept. 30, 2025)

President: Jim Harvey
President-Elect: Renee Mackey
Club Vice President: Gene Stull
Club Treasurer: Nancy Scaggs
Secretary: Kim Kavanaugh
Foundation Treasurer: Dennis Clark
Immediate Past President: Mike Pierre
Board Member: Terri Clayton (2024-2026)
Board Member: Mary Darling (2024-2026)
Board Member: Cheryl Malone (2024-2026)
Board Member: Melanie Smith (2024-2026)
Board Member: Traci Hall (2024-2025)
Board Member: Bill Hand (2024-2025)
Board Member: Reggie Haseltine (2024-2025)

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